UAT solution for decentralized monitoring of water quality through data automatically recorded on the Algorand blockchain and distribution of rewards through a native token.


UAT solution for decentralized monitoring of water quality through private individuals, with special devices registered on blockchain such as NFT, to created a system for monitoring and distributing data on water quality around the globe, with relative automatic distribution of rewards based on the density of the sensors in a specific area through a native token.


Creation of a UAT application aimed at the distribution and publication on blockchain of data relating to water quality in a decentralized way, with relative distribution of users who participate in the system by entering new data.
Creation of a user dashboard where you can view globally collected and immutable data on the Algorand blockchain and a personal user dashboard to monitor and view your devices and related data sent.
A backend that takes care of automatically sending transactions for the purchase of new sensors, sending data on the water quality coming from them and an algorithmic calculation on the distribution of rewards to users in exchange for the data sent, based on density of devices in a specific custom radius.

Our inputs

Blockchain analysis and consultancy

Development of UAT, Front End, Back End, dAPP

UX/UI Design

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