

About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News Musa NFT   MusaNFT is the NFT platform dedicated to Brands, artists and in general all Creators who want to use Blockchain technology in a simple and intuitive way....
Folks Feed Oracle

Folks Feed Oracle

About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News Folks Feed Oracle   Folks Feed Oracle (FFO) provides an efficient, secure and reliable solution to publicly deliver data and information to decentralized applications...


About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News CNEBIFIR   The signed partnership has allowed all members of each office and body that is part of the network to be involved in a training course in the blockchain...


About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News APAS   UAT solution for decentralized monitoring of water quality through data automatically recorded on the Algorand blockchain and distribution of rewards through a...


About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News GreenPower   “Green is commonly used to represent growth, health and sustainability. GreenPower is a cryptocurrency that encompasses all of these qualities. From...